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Reports that rank total, fatal, and disabling injury crashes by their frequency of occurrence in counties and cities.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve alcohol.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve drugs and alcohol.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve speeding.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve distraction.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve drivers and passengers not using a seatbelt.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve a driver under the age of 21.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve an intoxicated driver by alcohol, under the age of 21.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve an intoxicated driver by drugs and alcohol, under the age of 21.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve a speeding driver, under the age of 21.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve a distracted driver, under the age of 21.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve drivers and passengers not using a seatbelt, under the age of 21.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve a driver, age 65 years and older.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve an intoxicated driver by alcohol, age 65 and older.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve an intoxicated driver by drugs and alcohol, age 65 and older.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve a speeding driver, age 65 and older.

Traffic crashes in Missouri that involve drivers and passengers not using a seatbelt, age 65 and older.