MSHP Crime Lab Division

Sexual Assault Kit Testing

Sexual Assault Kit Testing

Latest Numbers

Sexual assault kits received by the crime lab awaiting testing
Month Year Kits
As of September 1 2024 1506

Sexual Assault Kits Tested
Month Year Kits
August 2024 92


The Missouri State Highway Patrol tests all kits it receives from Missouri law enforcement agencies at no cost to the submitting agency.


Patrol labs prioritize the testing of sexual assault kits (and sexual assault cases that do not include a kit) from the time the evidence is initially received at the lab. A case of a potential serial rapist would be considered among the highest priorities. In addition, cases can be expedited at the request of the submitting agency as circumstances warrant.

Patrol Capabilities

Three of the Patrol's eight crime labs are capable of testing sexual assault cases (Jefferson City, Springfield and Cape Girardeau). All figures reported here are for the entire lab system.

Online Training Video


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Patrol's the only crime lab in Missouri that tests sexual assault kits?

No, crime labs operated by the St. Charles County Police Department, Kansas City Police Department, St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department also test sexual assault kits.
For More FAQ's click here.

Page revised: 09/10/2024


CLD Logo
  • Director
  • Brian K. Hoey

  • Assistant Directors
  • Debra Oliveras
  • Stacey Bolinger

  • Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM